2017 Video

2017 Video

The Ride for SickKids will take place Sunday, August 13th, 2017 at Mackie Harley-Davidson. Sign in at 8:30am. There will be music, food, an awesome ride, and an all around great event. What a great way to help and make a difference. Oh… and someone will win a...
Ride for SickKids 2017 Media Release

Ride for SickKids 2017 Media Release

This Ride’s For Life! PORT PERRY, ON (For Immediate Release) – More than 500 motorcycles thundering into Port Perry on Sunday August 13 are bringing a deadly serious message: Saving lives matters. Consequently, the Ninth Annual Ride for Sick Kids...
July 5th Update!

July 5th Update!

Greetings Riders, It’s that time of year again for the Ride for SickKids.  This year our 9th annual ride will be held on Sunday August 13th, 2017.  I hope to see you all attend this great cause. Together we are truly making a difference....
Photo Contest!

Photo Contest!

This year we’re holding a photo contest! Snap photos during the event, tag your photos #RFSK (and @ride4sickkids on Twitter and Instagram) and share on social media! The best photo will be featured on our website and the winner will receive free entry into next...
Early Bird Registration ends July 22nd

Early Bird Registration ends July 22nd

Have you registered for the ride yet? If not, what are you waiting for? The early bird registration of $40 will continue until June 22nd. On the 22nd, we’ll also be taking registrations in person at our BBQ at Mackie’s! Then, on the 23rd, the price will go...
2017: Fundraising Objective

2017: Fundraising Objective

In 2017 we’re raising funds for a small automated drug dispensing cabinet valued at $40,000. Why? Because making a child comfortable as they face their illness is a real challenge. Pain control is a critical element of care, which relies on at least two factors: the...
2017 Ride for SickKids Ambassador, Antonio

2017 Ride for SickKids Ambassador, Antonio

Meet this year’s 9th Annual Ride for SickKids ambassador, Antonio! Antonio is a cancer warrior with a big smile and a great attitude. He’s a true inspiration. Click here to visit The Road Side Session’s Facebook album to learn more about our...
2016: Fundraising Objective

2016: Fundraising Objective

In 2016 we committed to The Hospital for Sick Children that we would purchase an anesthesia monitor over two years. We’re delighted to announce because of the overwhelming support we’ve reached that goal in just one year. The anesthesia monitors we purchased will be...